Property Location

View Larger Map  This map shows the approximate property boundary and the locations of the Main House, Cottage and Barn.  

The perfect elevation

Olinda means beautiful but it could mean "perfect." At 3300' elevation, Cloud Farm is a perfect location: the air is fresh and scented by the smell of eucalyptus. When you wake up in the morning, you feel alive and full of vitality. A walk around the farm provides a sense of security and abundance as you charge yourself for the day.

The Olinda area

Rising 5 miles up along the northwest ridge of Haleakala crater, the Olinda area is known as a rare retreat from the world. Years ago there was farming and grazing along its forested slopes. Today you are more likely to find spas and quaint retreats and lots of artists. Some of the artists show their work at the galleries in the quaint town of Makawao, just down the hill.

While most of Olinda is quite steep, Cloud Farm enjoys one of the unusual and coveted flat terraces on the mounainside. With it French countryside feel, it combines the best of the past and present: an escape from the world that still boasts a thriving 5 acre organic vegetable farm.